Saturday, October 31, 2009
Cyworld Korean Popular Social Networking
Even if Koreans do have Facebook, they don't use it much.It's like a Korean Myspace. Almost every Korean has it. Even Korean celebrities. Koreans prefer cyworld better than Facebook or myspace.
Cyworld (Hangul: ????) is a social networking website launched on Sep 1, 1999. Cyworld is a South Korean web community site operated by SK Communication.
Cyworld is South Korea�s most popular social networking site. Cyworld has claimed more than one third of Korea�s entire population as members, while achieving incredible penetration of Korea�s young adult market: 90% of Koreans in their 20s are members of Cyworld. Korean Celebrities are also known to have their own Cyworld.
Here are the list of popular cyworld pages. Kim Hee Chul has the most popular cyworld page. He is a member of Super Junior :
1 Kim Hee Chul (김희� ) : 22455755 www.cyworld.com/yuri9doo
2 Ock Ju-Hyun (옥주현) : 18331628 www.cyworld.com/5ck
3 Kim So Yeon (김소연) : 16695879 www.cyworld.com/soypower
4 Lee Hye Young (이혜영) : 14965272 www.cyworld.com/lop8888
5 Lee Jun Ki (이준기) : 13898750 www.cyworld.com/start006
6 Kim Hee Seon (김희� ) : 13137365 www.cyworld.com/kimheeseon
7 Lee Sun Oong (Tablo) (이� 웅) : 12468766 www.cyworld.com/tablo
8 (시워니) : 12448419 www.cyworld.com/jolla106
9 Kim Hye Soo (김혜수) : 12023661 www.cyworld.com/claire0905
10 So Yoo Jin (소� 진) : 11892443 www.cyworld.com/miniyujin

Boy in Halloween costume and high heels

It's Halloween. It's the best opportunity to wear heels for everybody who don't have courage to wear them everyday.

Styled by David Bradshaw the scene unfolds with a group of young dapper gents in old-worldian get-ups of natural creams, tweeds and off-white shirts. Although styled with many Paul Smith items the shoot looks awfully similar to that of Burberry.
So refreshing. I hope you enjoy!
Mercedes Benz Award for Fashion 2009
The garments arrived back from Germany where they have been stationed for some time at the Daimler Contemporary House Huth in Berlin.
The intimate event had us steered to the front window where the participants designs were lined up for viewing. Stiaan Louw and his gang of black were downstairs where I snapped up this photo of the chain-vest which took 3 weeks to finish!
The rest of Stiaan's garments can be viewed here.
I met up with Stiaan's muse and friend Morne' for a chat in the above picture and my friend Riaan checks out some of the other garmets below.
Participants included David Tlale, Abigail Betz, Darkie, Mantsho, Craig Native and Maya Prass. Thanks to Stiaan for the Invite!
Friday, October 30, 2009
vitrin danteli �rnekleri 21
How to Get a Boyfriend if You're Very Shy
- Step 1
Narrow your scope of options. Before you get to the highly stressful parts of interacting with potential boyfriends, use your shy demeanor to work to your advantage. Use the time you don't spend talking to observe how people you may like act and what they like to do. This will give you an opportunity to exclude guys you have no real interest in.
- Step 2
Play to your strengths. Being active in your own personal interests will give you a greater probability of coming into contact with boys or men who share your interests. This will give you a common point of reference that will make it easier for you to communicate when you're approached or when you want to break the ice. You should also involve yourself in areas that you are proven, so you can draw positive attention from guys with your proficiency without having to speak.
- Step 3
Bring the boys to you. Don't allow your shyness to hinder you from properly "baiting the hook" that is your body to "catch" the right boy. Dressing your best may seem overrated and overstated, but the truth is that this practice can express self-confidence that men love to see in a woman. Nicely put together outfits can go a long way toward enticing a potential boyfriend.
- Step 4
Make eye contact. Sending the right signals when you are shy is important. Body language makes for the majority of communication between human beings. Muster up some courage to look the guys you like in the eyes or to flash a quick smile to give them the green light to approach you. This will transfer the pressure to approach on his shoulders, while opening a window of opportunity.
- Step 5
Step outside of your comfort zone. Healthy relationships are built on communication. This does not exclude you because you are shy. Stepping out of your comfort zone to talk to potential boyfriends is eventually a prospect you will have to face. The payoff will far outweigh the risks if a boyfriend is what you truly seek.
- Using internet dating sites can be helpful in your search for a boyfriend as a shy girl. Many guys will often make the first move if you specify that you are shy in your profile.
- If a boy or man likes you and he is also shy, it may be difficult for him to approach you as well. Spending some time sitting by yourself (without your friends around you) will give him an opportunity to approach uninterrupted.
How to Break Up with a Possessive Boyfriend
- Everyone has problems in life. First you need to make sure if this possessiveness is really the kind of person he is, or if situations in life have turned him into this person.
- If you care at all for this person beyond the possessiveness, tell him honestly and openly that you are your own person and he can either drop the possessiveness and treat you like a human being, or you will be forced to move on.
- If needed, take some time apart to recollect your thoughts and determine if this person is fundamentally someone you want to spend your life with or if you are only a slave to the possessiveness.
- Make yourself aware that this controlling behavior is a sign of an abusive relationship. Learn to recognize these signs.
- Decide to end the relationship. As you become aware of the harm being caused to you, decide to get more information on what help is available to you to change your situation. This is your decision.
- Gather information and seek support about who can help you with your different needs.
- Plan your exit. Create a safety plan and choose a place to go if needed.
- Take action. Just leave. Cut off all lines of communication. You owe this person nothing. Actively engage your support networks and seek any help you need.
- Prepare for your future. Allow yourself to dream of how your life will come together and make a plan to achieve these goals.
- Take some time for yourself. A time to heal. Now that you are settled into your new life, it is time to think about how this ordeal has affected you and heal. When you are happy within, when you learn to love yourself and enjoy life - only then will you be able to find meaningful lasting relationships.
- Open up to people who are expressing concern for you like your friend, family member, your doctor, your neighbor, or your minister. Reach out.
- Do not lose sight of yourself. It may seem overwhelming at times. Your future begins with you.
- Only you can restore happiness, peace, and balance in your life. You are a valued and necessary member of your family, community, and society. Don't be afraid to believe in yourself!
- Jealousy and possesiveness are signs of an abusive relationship. Abuse is abuse whether it is mental or physical. This controlling behavior only gets worse as the relationship progresses.
How to Ask for a Hug or Kiss
- If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you want to ask him/her for a hug or kiss then you need to go somewhere private. If you like to show off and brag then go into a crowded place together.
- When you are about to leave ask your boyfriend/girlfriend to come to you. Then you can just wrap your arms around him/her.
- If your boyfriend/girlfriend walks you home then you get to the door you can go close to them and shouldn't even ask. You should just do it.
- You need to be the brave one. If you are going for a hug then you could just wrap your arms around them and say goodnight. Or if your going for a kiss then you could stare into each others eyes and tilt your head and go close to that special person and touch lips.
- Then you would really know that the person actually likes you.
How to Get Happy when You're Sad
Everyone can feel a bit down and sad sometimes, and it totally stinks. Here are some ways to cheer up.
1. Call up a friend to talk about it (or to get your mind off it).
2. Watch a funny movie, preferably one that you've already seen and liked.
3. Exercise! Go for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride. Doing this will make your body release endorphins and adrenaline through your body which will make you feel better physically and emotionally.
4. Be spontaneous. Sometimes a consistent and boring routine can make you feel bad. Do something out of the blue, but don't make any rash decisions.
5. Paint a picture. Express your feelings with color and shapes.
6. Think about good memories. If you've lived through them once, than you can definitely have them again. Just because things may seem bad right now doesn't mean that tomorrow they will be.
7. Take a shower. You will feel happier and refreshed.
8. Get out of the house! The fresh air will make you feel better. Go somewhere with a friend, a family member, or even by yourself. See a movie, shop, go on a picnic, etc. Staying inside is like trapping yourself inside your depression.
9. Listen to music. Don't listen to sad music�try listening to energetic tunes or a song that inspires you or reminds you of good times.
10. Have a good cry. Sometimes the sadness stays inside your head if you try to force yourself to be happy. Try to let the tears out at the most appropriate time, mainly the best time when you are alone. Do this, and you might feel more relieved of your sad feelings, as if it "got off your chest".
12. Sometimes taking a nap might make you feel better! Try it and have a good, long nap!!!
13. Journal - Stop dwelling on past hurts, and look to the future ... each day is a new day just because you were sad yesterday doesnt mean you have to be sad today.... you have a fresh slate.... get out there and become a person !!! you know who you are no show other people who you are..... Each person has a good side to them .... SHOW YOURS ..... :P ... and remember dont compare yourself to other people... you will always lose that way.... be greatful for what you have dont worry about what you dont have... :P
Last night I attended the Mercedes Benz Fashion Exhibit where Stiaan Louw and a couple other local designers showcased their entries. While I won't get into that just yet, I do have this photo of Stiaan and I to show you.
More to follow!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
malayalam actress anu hot stills
A la gar�on-ish
First of all I want to give a warm welcome to the new followers! I am so happy and really flattered with your lovely comments. Thank you all so much!
Today's outfit was about playing with a slightly masculine look, I love being girly but some days I love showing my masculine side too. LOL.
Anyways, I just love my flat caps and this one is a favourite of mine. I bought it at Topshop many years ago and it was my first. Ohhhh, it's just so cute with pale pink polka dots on... It completely made me fall in love with the whole Mary Poppins chimney sweeper look.
I wanted to keep it looking a bit girly too, so I am wearing a mesh vest which is quite sheer, it's actually underwear from Valisere back home in Brazil (one of the best in the world in my opinion) but it doesn't matter too much because my bra looks like a bikini.
Teamed up with some little heels.
Keeping it simple today, that was the idea.
Flat cap: Topshop, Top & bra: Valisere, Cardigan: Portobello Market, Jeans: River Island, Shoes: Melissa Vivienne Westwood.