With fashion being so broad and interlaced it�s not required for you to be wearing cowboy boots with your Bolo, not just yet anyhow. But I have been wondering lately if the Bolo is ready to be the next thing for men�s fashion.
Western as a theme in fashion has been in constant rotation for years, just look at the cravat, the cowboy shirt, boots above the ankle, and it�s old favorite, denim!
While on the topic of Western wear, I thought to include this particular tie which I�ve seen on a Runway model for Paul Smith AW08. You might remember Col. Sanders wore one too.
I don�t know if it was an after thought for Sir Paul to include it or if he actually sells them but they�re fantastic.
This website sells many varieties of it, if there are other places I haven�t seen it.
What do you think?
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