I have a new obsession and it doesn't include Anne Hathaway or Meryl Streep. For a while I've been thinking about T-shirts for guys. In America I noticed there are loads of fun options in great cuts and necks, whereas here in South Africa we are pretty limited. Woolworths is a large corporate retailer who hit their woman's wear on the nose, in fact most South African stores get it right when it comes to the female form, but completely keep us guys in the dark. Crew neck is a standard option, and they are always too short for me, and if you find a V neck by some miracle it's a very short V.
So in contemplating this and the assortment of cool idea's I had for designs on said Imaginary/Fantasy/Invisible T-shirt, I stumbled on something very cool: Transfer, wait for it... Paper!
You buy them at your local stationary store, take it home, print something (reversed naturally) from your regular printer and iron it onto a t-shirt of your choice... and hey presto! you have your own custom made design.
This one was just for kicks , it reads "MOJAVE WEST YACHT CLUB" on the front and "AHOY SAILOR" on the back. Why not see what you can do?
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