So when child actors like Zac Efron get praise for great hair and a fantastic physique one can only feel two things, incredible jealousy or the desire to impliment his regime on your own quaff.
This website even went as far as to give you styling, colouring and cutting tips to get his look. But Efron went on to tell TIME how he does it. Perhaps Robert Pattinson (who leads in the best-hair race) should take a note or two on washing his hair every once in a while. It's just a thought.
When asked what he does to maintain such great hair, Efron answered, "I've never told anyone this before. This is a hair scoop. Shower before you go to bed, then sleep on your wet hair. Towel-dry it. In the morning, it's all messed up naturally. If you have that messed-up thing going when you wake up, it's more willing to stay that way. That's Zac's hair tip."
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