Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pashto Poetry in Afghanistan, Pashto Poetry History

Pashto Poetry
Pashto literature grew intensively and extensively during the seventeenth century and it gained wide popularity after the poet laureate Khushal Khan Khattak. He has written several poems, which are now translated into a variety of foreign languages. He is named as the national poet of Afghanistan due to his mellifluous poems that fill the hearts of youths and patriots. Other important poets who also joined hand in the development of the language were Rahman Baba and Ahmad Shah Abdali.

War and Peace
Apart from mentioning peace and love Pashto, poetry focuses on the war its land faced. Indirectly violence has not only killed people but it has also given birth to the new literature perspective of the Pashto language. Many poet laureates started writing poems on the Islamic terrorism and the invasion of territories. The cruelty done to women and other people were also so uniquely pictured with heart touching lines. One could get such poems either as books or in the websites dedicated to Pashto literature. They very really portray the scene of a war or the scene of a cruelty in such a way that the readers might experience the cruelty themselves just in words. They are a source to the youth community to show them the struggle their country has undergone and the strategy that they should hold to save their country. This is how the poets inspired the compatriots through literature. Literature has always served to be one of the best weapons against any misleading activities.

Confession of Great Poets
The poets confess that they do not write poems about war because they do not stimulate their mind at any cost. However, they have to write it because they are compelled to write. The situation compels them to write it, so that the people are kept informed about the anti-social activities that occur in Afghanistan. The responsibility towards the nation and the love towards the home people compelled them to put their mind in the event and depict it, as it should be. This is the small-translated snippet of a female poet, who has written about war and the need of peace in her nation,
The sorrow and grief, these black evenings,
Eyes full of tears and times full of sadness,
These burnt hearts, the killing of youths,
These unfulfilled expectations and unmet hopes of brides,
With a hatred for war, I call time and again,
I wait for peace for the grief-stricken Pashtuns
Apart from depicting the war and peace, love and hatred, poets have also focused on the culture and ethics of the people living in Afghanistan. Poets have not failed to include the beautiful daily work of women in Afghanistan. Lot of natural scenarios has also been quoted. Right from deserts to garden of a house have been described as poems in Pashto language. This sort of intense literature has made the language gain what it should actually gain. It has definitely reached fantastic heights just in a few days of its origin.

Tags: pashto poetry history, Pashto all poetry, Pashto poetry special words, pashto all the time poets, Pashto language poetry, Pashto life in poetry, Pashto world wide poets, Pashto famous poetry, Pashto poetry culture.

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