Eminem said honestly that he doesn't know "how to work a computer". "If I learn how, I'm going to be on that bi**h all day looking at comments about me, and it's going to drive me crazy." he said in an interview with Spin magazine.

Of course Eminem has an email and twitter account, but he actually paid for an assistant to update his twitter and open his email. This assistant also help Eminem to watch his video in YouTube that occasionally sent by someone to his email.
Apparently Eminem isn't the only one who paid someone to open his email account. The senior actor who famous for his role in Basic Instinct, Michael Douglas, also has a secretary for opening his email, and then send it to Michael via fax.
Although Michael Douglas is much older than Eminem, age supposed to be not a reason for not learning a new technology. This has been proven by Michael's father, Kirk Douglas. In his 93th age, Kirk has a blog in MySpace and he has more than 4000 followers, and becoming the oldest celebrity-blogger.
Kirk Douglas, famous for his part in Spartacus in the 60s began blogging in March 2007 to promote his memoir, "Let's Face It: 90 Years of Living, Loving, and Learning", but has continued after seeing the interest generated by his posts. Kirk, who has been married to wife Anne Buydens, 78, for 54 years, said in his blog that his greatest ambition on life is to meet Angelina Jolie, "provided my wife lets me."
While for Michael, he doesn't even know hot to open his father's blog, lol......
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