I don't condone smoking but it is fun. Like dvd series sessions on a Saturday night or Sweet Chilli Nik-Naks, we have certain vices that fulfill us. I've been smoking for about 8 years, coming from a whole lineage of smokers who have all subsequently quit-- it was nearing that time when I too would have to be bold and snuff out my last cigarette... after I finished the box of course.
My father was admitted to hospital for an Emergency Quintuple Bypass last week, and I travelled home to be with family in that time. My father quit smoking the day before! While he was in surgery I decided it was time to kick the habit once for and all. Now I'm trying to replace my smoking breaks with other rituals but it's harder than you'd think. And now I'm eating more as a result. It's definitely time to return to the gym (it's been 2 weeks!) because exercise is great! ;)
The temptation isn't as hard as the feeling that I should be doing something... I'll blog instead!
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